Women Who SERIOUS About Losing Weight & Toning Up

Women Who Are SERIOUS About

Losing Weight & Toning Up

How Would You Like To Get Toned For Good & Feel Amazing In Your Clothes In Just 15 Minutes a Day?

How Would You Like To Get

Toned For Good & Feel

Amazing In Your Clothes 

In Just 15 Minutes a Day?

15 Minute Metabolism Makeover Program

15 Minute Metabolism

Makeover Program

This is the ONLY program you'll need

take back control of how you

look and feel for good…

This is the ONLY challenge you'll need take back control of how you look and feel for good…

Results Or Your Money Back

Results Or Your Money Back

We Have 1000's of Success Stories.

See What Some

Are Saying...


"This program and challenge changed my life. This was easier to do than I expected. I've been trying to lose this weight my whole life


- Physical Therapist

"As a physical therapist, I've never seen something in weight loss that is this sustainable and doable for anyone. This was incredible to experience.”


"I lost 100 lbs with this and now I get to wear sexy fun clothes and feel so confident for the first time in my life. Thank you Danita!!"


"I'm finally in a swimsuit since my 20's. Danita didn't make me diet or give up my favorite late night chocolate.


"I lost 7.5 inches off my waist with this program and challenge. Wow! Thank you so much Danita, you're amazing!!!"


"I could not get a booty for almost 8 years and Danita showed me how how in less than a few months!!"

"The weight is coming up and staying off"

"Thank you for everything that you do."

"I lost 7 inches off my waist..."




"This changed my life."

"After my results, I did a self love photoshoot"

"Manage hormones like this for real results"


"After my 3 kids, for years I couldn't get my pre-baby body back until this program challenge.

It reeeallly worked!"


"I lost weight, I feel amazing, it wasn't as hard as everything else I've tried. I'm just overall VERY happy about this. Thank you!!"


"Its been months after and the weight is still off. This is so much more healthy and sustainable than anything else iI've done."

"I never have to go to the gym now to get results"

"I lost 14 lbs and I had to get new scrub sizes."

"I became the BEST version of myself"





Abby Jude


We Have 1000's of Success Stories.

See What Some Are Saying...


"This program and challenge changed my life. This was easier to do than I expected. I've been trying to lose this weight my whole life


- Physical Therapist

"As a physical therapist, I've never seen something in weight loss that is this sustainable and doable for anyone. This was incredible to experience.”


"I lost 100 lbs with this and now I get to wear sexy fun clothes and feel so confident for the first time in my life. Thank you Danita!!"


"I'm finally in a swimsuit since my 20's. Danita didn't make me diet or give up my favorite late night chocolate.


"I lost 7.5 inches off my waist with this program and challenge. Wow! Thank you so much Danita, you're amazing!!!"


"I could not get a booty for almost 8 years and Danita showed me how how in less than a few months!!"

"The weight is coming up and staying off"

"Thank you for everything that you do."

"I lost 7 inches off my waist..."




"This changed my life.

Thank you so much"

"After my results, I did a self love photoshoot"

"Manage hormones like this for real results"


"After my 3 kids, for years I couldn't get my pre-baby body back until this program challenge. It reeeallly worked!"


"I lost weight, I feel amazing, it wasn't as hard as everything else I've tried. I'm just overall VERY happy about this. Thank you!!"


"Its been months after and the weight is still off. This is so much more healthy and sustainable than anything else iI've done."

"I never have to go to the gym now to get results"

"I lost 14 lbs and I had to get new scrub sizes."

"I became the BEST version of myself"





Abby Jude


Get Results With Celebrity Trainer

Danita Young  

Get Results With Celebrity Trainer Danita Young  

In Just 15 Minutes a Day

15 Minutes a Day


  • Nationally Qualified Bikini Fitness Model

  • Certified Personal Trainer 

  • Creator of the 15 Minute

    Metabolism Makeover

  • 200,000 Social Media Followers 

Hello Beautiful! I am Danita Young, a Nationally Qualified Bikini Fitness Model Competitor, a Certified Personal Trainer…and an absolute sucker for anything dark chocolate. I love rollerblading and bustin’ out some flawless cartwheels on the beach whenever the opportunity arises!

I am passionate about guiding determined women like you to achieve their dream bodies in a simple way that does not restrict their favorite foods so you can enjoy other areas of their lives.

I’ve helped 1000's of women lose 10-50 lbs in under 90 days with my 15 Minute Metabolism Makeover so they finally look and feel their best and discover their new found confidence...

My promise is that if you join this challenge and you WILL LOOK & FEEL your best!... if not, I will refund you

  • Nationally Qualified Bikini Fitness Model

  • Certified Personal Trainer 

  • Creator of the 15 Minute

    Metabolism Makeover

  • 200,000 Social Media Followers 





A Proven Program To Take Back Control of Your Body & Life

The Metabolism Makeover Curriculum

  • Inside this curriculum, I'll walk you step-by-step through lose weight every week in as little as 15 minutes a day.

    I have included every single video, meal plan , action sheet, shopping list, and our fitness app to get you losing weight every week. This WILL be more valuable than any program you've paid for in the past.

New Challenges Every Month

  • Every month the whole community has an option to join our monthly Challenges.

    They are fun, simple and create results

    Unlock more motivation by doing new challenge workouts week over week with the community. This consistency helps you to stay on track

    Every month we giveaway cash and prizes to the winners of each challenge

  • Every month the whole community has an option to join our monthly Challenges.

    They are fun, simple and create results

    Unlock more motivation by doing new challenge workouts week over week with the community. This consistency helps you to stay on track

    Every month we giveaway cash and prizes to the winners of each challenge

Nutrition Coaching

  • Everything you need for a balanced nutrition that supports your endocrine system that allows your body to release unwanted fat.

    I will show you how to get results with simple nutrition system that is specific to your body without giving up your favorite foods.

Fitness Coaching

  • I will show you how to shrink your waist and lose weight in with my 15 minute Sculpt & Tone® Method for maximum results.

    ​​Discovery this consistency technique to

    stay on track

  • I will show you how to shrink your waist and lose weight in with my 15 minute Sculpt & Tone® Method for maximum results.

    ​​Discovery this consistency technique to stay on track

Live Calls Every Week

  • Weekly calls with expert coaches to go over your progress and answer any question that you have.

    This will give you access to expert coaches in your corner.

  • Weekly calls with expert coaches to go over your progress and answer any question that you have.

    This will give you access to expert coaches in your corner.

Hormone Harmony Protocol

  • I am going to know exactly how to harmonize with your body. Your body is super smart, it wants to work for you. And once you work with your body's hormones, you will reduce cortisol stress levels that will aide in revitalize your metabolism so you can fit into your clothes better.

Restore Your Body Back To Balance

  • Stress and anxiety dysregulates your endocrine system in your body and creates an imbalance in your cortisol and metabolism.

    We provide solutions to regulate your endocrine system because when stress is balanced, your results will come faster.

  • Stress and anxiety dysregulates your endocrine system in your body and creates an imbalance in your cortisol and metabolism.

    We provide solutions to regulate your endocrine system because when stress is balanced, your results will come faster.

Priceless Bonuses! 


1-on-1 Call with an Expert Coach 

FREE BONUS #1 - $199

Get To Your Goals FASTER by speaking with one of our expert coaches when you start

Private Uplifting Community


Get access to the positive and loving community of like minded women and expert coaches helping each other everyday.

1-on-1 Call with an Expert Coach 

FREE BONUS #1 - $199

Get To Your Goals FASTER by speaking with one of our expert coaches when you start

Private Uplifting Community


Get access to the positive and loving community of like minded women and expert coaches helping each other everyday.

Fitness App

FREE BONUS #3 - $24

You get access to one of the top rated fitness apps where you will have access to all of the workouts, meal plans, meditations, podcasts and more.

Full Body

Symptom Analysis

FREE BONUS #4 - $99

Your body is trying to communicate with you, often sending you red flags. I will go through a comprehensive analysis with you to discover the root cause of your symptoms and get your body back in balance and this is where you will lose weight more effortlessly. You'll understand your overall health more than you've had in the past.

Fitness App

FREE BONUS #3 - $24

You get access to one of the top rated fitness apps where you will have access to all of the workouts, meal plans, meditations, podcasts and more.

Full Body Symptom Analysis

FREE BONUS #4 - $99

Your body is trying to communicate with you, often sending you red flags. I will go through a comprehensive analysis with you to discover the root cause of your symptoms and get your body back in balance and this is where you will lose weight more effortlessly. You'll understand your overall health more than you've had in the past.

15 Minute Metabolism Makeover

Look & Feel Your Best 

Program + Expert Coaching Call + 4 Bonuses

  • 15 Minute Metabolism Makeover Curriculum! ($99)

  • 1-on-1 Call with an Expert Coach ($199)

  • Fitness App ($24)

  • Full Body Symptom Analysis ($199)

  • Private Uplifting Community (Priceless)

  • New Challenges Every Month ($199)

  • Nutrition Coaching ($199)

  • Fitness Coaching ($199)

  • Live Calls Every Week ($99)

  • Hormone Harmony Protocol ($99)

  • Restore Your Body Back To Balance ($99)

Total Value: $1,415

15 Minute Metabolism Makeover

Look & Feel Your Best 

Program + Expert Coaching Call + 4 Bonuses

  • 15 Minute Metabolism Makeover Curriculum! ($99)

  • 1-on-1 Call with an Expert Coach ($199)

  • Fitness App ($24)

  • Full Body Symptom Analysis ($199)

  • Private Uplifting Community (Priceless)

  • New Challenges Every Month ($199)

  • Nutrition Coaching ($199)

  • Fitness Coaching ($199)

  • Live Calls Every Week ($99)

  • Hormone Harmony Protocol ($99)

  • Restore Your Body Back To Balance ($99)

Total Value: $1,415


I want you to get back to your best self, boost your confidence and

energy that you had when you were younger.

I want you to experience what it’s like to 

enjoy optimal health and fitness at any age.

I’ve made everything inside this program so simple to follow that most

people start seeing results within the first 7-10 days.

I want you to get back to your best self, boost your confidence and

energy that you had when

you were younger.

I want you to experience what it’s like to 

enjoy optimal health and fitness

at any age.

I’ve made everything inside this program so simple to follow that most

people start seeing results

within the first 7-10 days.

Have I Lost

My Mind?

Danita Young

-Nationally Qualified Bikini Competitor

-Certified Personal Trainer

-Founder of 15 Minute Metabolism Makeover

Why would I charge such a low amount for SO MUCH value?

I created the 15 Minute Metabolism Makeover because I vividly recall trying to squeeze into my favorite jeans, feeling broken and questioning my flawed genetics.

I had to make a change or face the consequences of feeling perpetually stuck and unhappy. So I hired a specialist in fat loss that did coaching differently than anyone in the fitness industry. I realized how backwards the weight loss industry is and discovered how weight loss isn’t just nutrition and workouts. It’s actually easier to get results by restoring your body's endocrine system that optimizes hormones to shed unwanted fat easier. I did this in 15 minutes a day for under 90 days and I saw AMAZING results.

I was so transformed by how simple any woman can get results that I wanted to keep going so I started to share this method with my mom and other people in my life who were struggling. When you feel good, it becomes a ripple into everything around you.

And now I want to help you and any woman look and feel their best at such an affordable cost. Some coaches think I'm crazy. Yup, I am crazy about getting women results. I'll see and chat with you soon.

Have I Lost My Mind?

Danita Young

-Nationally Qualified Bikini Competitor

-Certified Personal Trainer

-Founder of 15 Minute Metabolism Makeover

Why would I charge such a low amount for SO MUCH value?

I created the 15 Minute Metabolism Makeover because I vividly recall trying to squeeze into my favorite jeans, feeling broken and questioning my flawed genetics.

I had to make a change or face the consequences of feeling perpetually stuck and unhappy. So I hired a specialist in fat loss that did coaching differently than anyone in the fitness industry. I realized how backwards the weight loss industry is and discovered how weight loss isn’t just nutrition and workouts. It’s actually easier to get results by restoring your body's endocrine system that optimizes hormones to shed unwanted fat easier. I did this in 15 minutes a day for under 90 days and I saw AMAZING results.

I was so transformed by how simple any woman can get results that I wanted to keep going so I started to share this method with my mom and other people in my life who were struggling. When you feel good, it becomes a ripple into everything around you.

And now I want to help you and any woman look and feel their best at such an affordable cost. Some coaches think I'm crazy. Yup, I am crazy about getting women results. I'll see and chat with you soon.

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DISCLAIMERS: *If you do not follow the routine exactly as given to you from your purchase, we can not guarantee you will see results nor offer you your money back. If you do not work toward your goals, you will not get to your goals.

None of these statements on this page or anywhere on our site have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You must consult with your doctor before using any of the strategies or advice given from this site or program(s) from our business.

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